Cover Needed

I need a cover. Just the art. The wording is going to be done in Arabian Regular, which looks a lot like the Aladdin font.

I’m checking if anyone would be willing to make me a cover. If you really want to get paid, I can make arrangements, but I can already promise you it won’t be much compared to what is usually made through cover art. It will also be based on the person’s I go with. So if you want something to kill time, this is great. If you’re trying to pay your rent, this is not so great.

It’s an Arabian setting. There is sand, a bronze city, a giant lake, djinn (though a bit different than in the myths), a race called the delven (dark elves with the skin of a seal), and a few other themes you can pick from for the art work. For more information and to see exactly what would go into it, email me at

I know, it’s a horrible pitch. “Please make a cover for me that you won’t get paid a lot to do!” But otherwise I just have to fall back on stock photos. Which I really don’t want to.

Also, anyone have suggestions on cover art? What makes it eye catching and what makes you want to read it? Why would you pick up one book over the other while waiting in the airport? This happens a lot to me. As much as we like to say don’t judge a book by a cover, let’s be honest, you buy the romance novel with the most ripped guy on it.

10 thoughts on “Cover Needed

  1. You can sometimes find someone on the Cartographer Guild for a fairly good price. Or, we would, of course, suggest our artist, Joanna Barnum. She is really great to work with.

    1. Could you shoot me her contact information? I’ll check into the Cartographer Guild. Actually when you guys posted your map I definitely went looking around there. Because your map is boss.

      1. Yes. I had that map created for years as I have worked on my books (you can read about that on RobertsonWrites). They simply made it more pretty.

    1. I’d love to see your stick figure, though. I do stick art, too. They’re fun. It stays with my adage of “All you need is a stick to have fun.” I’ve been living by that since puberty.

      Thanks for asking!

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